April 2013 - December 2013. Worldwide. / Web application. iOS. Android. /
Client: 24alife. www.24alife.com
24alife (previously @Life) is a holistic corporate (and personal) wellbeing platform with web, native mobile and desktop applications. Second stage of the corporate wellbeing platform were dedicated native iPad applications for health experts to asses and interview employees.
The task was to create separate application that will feed the information about an employee to one common health profile. But the apps needed to be separated, so that the doctor for example does not see the same information as the company health promotor. It was a rather complex flow involving the general physician, psychologist, nutritionist, fitness trainer and company health promotor. Another challenge was the domain expertise, which is why the experts needed to be involved at all times.
We formed a team where each of the five user groups was represented. There were several design workshops with all partners flying in for a couple of days. Followed by regular stand-up meetings, involving also the developers. Especially because of the complicated back-end process.
The design solution was to get as close to the natural interviewing process as possible, yet leveraging the iPad infrastructure.
My role
Besides the product management and facilitation, I was also the lead UI designer for the iPad applications. Meaning, I designed most of the wireframes as well as hi-fi mockups. After the implementation, my task was to perform the usability study involving both experts and employees.
- Beta trials with companies in USA, Slovenia and Austria
- Interviewing process sped up multiple times
Research = work with the experts
I took both the research and design lead for this one, and I enjoyed it immensely. Research meant work with some of the brightest minds on the planet. Psychologists from Austria, nutritionists from the world famous Mayo Clinic and Olympic trainers.